
Posts Tagged ‘Ron Paul’

Good God, could this really be true?

Ultimate 2008 Presidential Candidate Matcher

Your Result: Dennis Kucinich


The top priority of Dennis Kucinich is to end the war in Iraq. Kucinich also favors a repeal of the Patriot Act, would fund stem cell research, and create a universal healthcare program. He is liberal on social issues, and favors eliminating Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy. Kucinich is also concerned about global warming.

Barack Obama


John Edwards


Hillary Clinton


Rudy Guiliani


Ron Paul


John McCain


Mitt Romney


Ultimate 2008 Presidential Candidate Matcher
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According to this short quiz, I have become a dyed-in-the-wool liberal overnight.  That couldn’t be farther from the truth.  For one thing: socialized health care?  The government fucks up everything else that it touches (and socialized health care systems in other countries across the globe are just as bad or worse than our current system…not exactly shining examples, no matter what Michael Moore might try and delude you into believing), why on earth would this be any different?  Can someone please answer this for me?  Seriously.

Yes, I suppose I have a somewhat liberal attitude towards the social policies o’ the moment (gay marriage — fine by me!; stem cell research — don’t really see what the problem is there; alternative fuels — are you stupid? of course we should be pursuing any and all alternatives to our current fuel source, seeing as how it’s (#1) not gonna last forever and (#2) mostly controlled by an evil, greedy cartel)…but overall I would place myself squarley in the libertarian camp and, therefore, with Ron Paul. 

Ron Paul, he of the anti-war, anti-Patriot Act, anti-War-on-Drugs, and pro-complete-abolishion-of-federal-income-taxes-and-most-government-agencies agenda.  This is who I align myself with.  With only a few exceptions (I’m very pro-choice and he’s a bit too hard on illegal immigrants for my tastes), he is my choice for President.  I realize that he’s got about as much chance of winning as Kucinich up there, but I’d rather support a candidate in whom I actually believe than take the easy road and vote for McCain or Clinton, both of whom are bad, bad, baaaaad news for our country in their own special, fucked-up ways.

Feel free to take the incredibly skewed quiz for yourself; just don’t base your political alignment on the results.

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